Teya Salat
north eastern part of Morocco. The AI Mohads suffer defeat by the Marinids at the battle of Nakur. The Banu Marin defeat the AI Mobads at the battle of Nakur.
1217: The Marinids suffer defeatin the battle fought on the banks of the Sibu river. Abdul Haq is killed and the Marinids evacuate Morocco. In the battle of Sibu the Marinids suffer defeat; their leader Abdul Haq is killed and they evacuate Morocco.
1218: Death of the Ayyubid rulerAI Adil, accession of AI Kamil. The Marinids return to Morocco under their leader Othman and occupy Fez.
1220: Death of the Khawarzam Shah Ala ud Din, accession of Jalal ud Din Mangbarni.
1222: Death of the Zangi ruler Nasir ud Din Mahmud, power captured by Badr ud Din Lulu.
1223: Death of the Al Mohad ruler Muntasir, accession of Abdul Wahid. Death of Yusuf AI Mustansir, accession of Abdul Wahid in Morocco.. In Spain a brother of Yusuf declares his independence and assumes the title of AI Adil. In Spain Abu Muhammad overthrows AI Adil. AI Adil escapes to Morocco and overthrows Abdul Wahid.
1224: Death of the AI Mohad ruler Abdul Wahid, accession of Abdullah Adil.
1225: Death of the Abbasid Caliph AI Nasir, accession of AI Mustansir.
1227: Death of the AI Mohad ruler Abdullah Adil, accession of Mustasim. Assassination of Al Adil,accession of his son Yahya who assumes the throne under the name of Al Mustasim.
1229: Death of the AI Mohad ruler Mustasim, accession of Idris.The Ayyubid AI Kamil restores Jerusalem to the Christians. Abu Muhammad dies in Spain and is succeeded by Al Mamun. AI Mamun invades Morocco with Christian help. Yahya is defeatedand power is captured by Al Mamun. He denies the Mahdiship of Ibn Tumarat.
1230: End of the Khawarzam Shah rule.
1232: Death of the AI Mohad ruler Idris, accession, of Abdul Wahid II. Assassination of Al Mamun; accession of his son Ar-Rashid.
1234: Death of the Ayyubid rulerAI Kamil, accession of AI Adil.
1236: Death of Delhi Sultan Iltutmish. Accession of Rukn ud Din Feroz Shah.
1237: Accession of Razia Sultana as Delhi Sultan.
1240: Death of Ar-Rashid; accession of his son Abu Said.
1241: Death of Razia Sultana, accession of Bahram Shah.
1242: Death of Bahram Shah, accession of Ala ud Din Masud Shah as Delhi Sultan. Death of the AI Mohad rules Abdul Wahid, accession of Abu Hasan. Death ofthe Abbasid Caliph Mustansir, accession of Mustasim.
1243: Death of the AI Mohad ruler Abdul Walid II, accession of
1244: The Al Mohads defeat the Marinids at the battle of Abu Bayash. The Marinids evacuate Morocco.
1245: The Muslims reconquer Jerusalem.
1246: Death of the Delhi Sultan Ala ud Din Masud Shah, accessionof Nasir ud Din Mahmud Shah.
1248: Death of the AI Mohad ruler Abul Hasan, accession of Omar Murtaza. Abu Said attacks Tlemsen, but is ambushed and killed; accession of his son Murtada.
1250: The Marinids return to Morocco, and occupy a greatar part thereof.
1258: The Mongols sack Baghdad.Death of the Abbasid Caliph Mustasim. End of the Abbasid rule. Fall of Baghdad, end of the Abbasid caliphate. The Mongol II-Khans under Halaku establish their rule in Iran and Iraq with the capital at Maragah. Berek Khan the Muslim chief of the Golden Horde protests against the treatment meted out to theAbbasid Caliph and withdraw his Contingent from Baghdad.
1259: Abu Abdullah the Hafsid ruler declares himself as the Caliph and assumes the name of AI Mustamir.
1260: Battle of Ayn Jalut in Syria. The Mongols are defeated by the Mamluks of Egypt, and the spell of the invincibility of the Mongols is broken. Baybars becomes the Mamluk Sultan.
1262: Death of Bahauddin Zikriyain Multan who is credited with the introduction of the Suhrawardi Sufi order in the IndoPakistan sub-continent.
1265: Death of Halaku. Death of Fariduddin Ganj Shakkar the Chishti saint of the Indo-Pakistansub-continent.
1266: Death of Berek Khan the first ruler of the Golden Horde to be converted to Islam. The eighth crusade. The crusaders invade Tunisia. Failure of the crusade.
1267: Malik ul Salih establishes the first Muslim state of Samudra Pasai in Indonesia. Murtada seeks the help of the Christians, and the Spaniards invade Morocco. The Marinids drive away the Spaniards from Morocco. Assassination of Murtada; accession of Abu Dabbas.
1269: Abu Dabbas is overthrown by the Marinida, End of the Al Mohads. End of the rule of the AIMohads in Morocco, the Marinids come to power in Morocco underAbu Yaqub.
1270: Death of Mansa Wali the founder of the Muslim rule in M ali.
1272: Death of Muhammad I the founder of the state of Granada.Yaghmurason invades Morocco but meets a reverse at the battle
1273: Death of Jalaluddin Rumi.
1274: Death of Nasiruddin Tusi. The Marinids wrest Sijilmasa fromthe Zayenids. Ninth crusade under Edward I of England. The crusade ends in fiasco and Edward returns to England.
1277: Death of Baybars.
1280: Battle of Hims.
1283: Death of Yaghmurasan. Accession of his son Othman.
1285: Tunisis splits in Tunis and Bougie.
1286: Death of Ghiasuddin Balban. Death of Abu Yusuf Yaqub. Bughra Khan declares his independence in Bengal under the name of Nasiruddin.
1290: End of the slave dynasty Jalaluddin Khilji comes into power.Othman embarks on a career of conquest and by 1290 C.E. most of the Central Maghreb is conquered by the Zayanids.
1291: Saadi.
1296: Alauddin Ghazan convertedto Islam.
1299: Mongols invade Syria. The Marinids besiege Tlemsen the capital of the Zayanids.
14th Century (1300-1399) C.E.
1301: In Bengal, Death of Ruknuddin the king of Bengal, succeeded by brother Shamsuddin Firuz.
1302: In Granada, Death of Muhammad II; succession of Muhammad III.
1304: In the Mongols II Khans empire, Death of Ghazan, succession of his brother Khudabanda Ul Jaytu. In Algeria, Death of Othman, succession of his son Abu Zayan Muhammad.
1305: In the Khiljis empire, Alauddin Khilji conquers Rajputana.
1306: In the Chughills empire, Death of Dava, succession of his son Kunjuk.
1307: In the Marinids empire, Assassination of the Marinid Sultan Abu Yaqub Yusuf; accession of Abu Thabit
1308: In the Chughills empire, Deposition of Kunjuk, power captured by Taliku. In Algeria, Death of Abu Zayan Muhammad, succession of his brother Abu Hamuw Musa. In the Marinids empire, Abu Thabit overthrown by Abu Rabeah Sulaiman.
1309: In the Chughills empire, Assassination of Taliku, accessionof Kubak. In Granada, MuhammadIII overthrown by his uncle Abul Juyush Nasr.
1310: In the Chughills empire, Kubak overthrown by his brother Isan Buga. In the Marinids empire, Abu Rabeah Sulaiman overthrown by Abu Said Othman. In the Khiljis empire,Alauddin conquers Deccan.
1312: In Tunisia, In Tunis Abul Baqa is overthrown by Al Lihiani.
1313: In the Mongols II Khans empire, Invasion of Syria, the Mongols repulsed. In the Golden Horde empire, Death of Toktu, accession of his nephew Uzbeg.
1314: In Kashmir, Rainchan an adventurer from Baltistan overthrows Sinha Deva the Raja of Kashmir. Rainchan is converted to Islam and adopts the name of Sadrud Din. In Granada, Abul Juyush overthrown by his nephew Abul Wahid Ismail.
1315: In Tunisia, War between Bougie and Tunis, Lihani defeatedand killed. Abu Bakr becomes theruler of Bougie and Tunis.
1316: In the Mongols II Khans empire, Death of Khudabanda Ul Jaytu, succession of Abu Said. In the Khiljis empire, Death of Alauddin, accession of Shahabuddin Umar, usurpation ofpower by Malik Kafur, a Hindu convert.
1318: In the Khiljis empire, Assassination of Malik Kafur, deposition of Shahabuddin Umar, accession of Qutbuddin Mubarak. In the Chughills empire, Isan Bugaoverthrown by Kubak.
1320: In the Khiljis empire, Assassination of Qutbuddin Mubarak, usurpation of power by Khusro Khan a Hindu convert.Khusro Khan overthrown by Ghazi Malik. End of the rule of Khiljis. In Tunisia, Abu Bakr expelled from Tunis by Abu Imran. In the Tughluqs empire, Ghazi Malik founds the rule of the Tughluq dynasty.
1321: In the Chughills empire, Death of Kubak, succession of Hebbishsi who is overthrown by Dava Temur.
1322: In the Chughills empire, Dava Temur overthrown by Tarmashirin, who is converted toIslam. In Bengal, Death of Shamsuddin Firuz. The kingdom divided into two parts. Ghiasuddin Bahadur became the ruler of East Bengal with the capital at Sonargaon, Shahabuddin became the ruler ofWest Bengal with the capital at Lakhnauti.
1324: In Bengal, Shahabuddin dies and is succeeded by his brother Nasiruddin.
1325: In the Tughluqs empire, Death of Ghazi Malik (Ghiasuddin Tughluq); accession of his son Muhammad Tughluq. In Granada, Assassination of Abul Wahid Ismail, succession of his son Muhammad IV. Assassination of Muhammad IV. Accession of his brother Abul Hallaj Yusuf. In the Samudra Pasai empire, Death of Malik al Tahir I, accession of Malikal Tahir II. In Bengal, With the help of Ghiasuddin Tughluq, Nasiruddin over-throws. Ghiasuddin Bahadur and himself become's the ruler of United Bengal.
1326: In the Ottoman Turks empire, Death of Othman, succession of Orkhan. Orkhan conquers Bursa and makes it his capital.
1327: In the Ottoman Turks empire, The Turks capture the city of Nicaea.
1329: In the Tughluqs empire, Muhammad Tughluq shifts the capital from Delhi to Daulatabad in Deccan.
1330: In the Chughills empire, Death of Tramashirin, succession of Changshahi. Amir Hussain establishes the rule of the Jalayar dynasty at Baghdad. In Tunisia, Abu Bakr overthrows Abu Imran and the state is againunited, under him. In Bengal, Muhammad b Tughluq reverses the policy of his father and restores Ghiasuddin Bahadur to the throne of Sonargeon.
1331: In the Marinids empire, Death of Abu Said Othman, sucession of Abul Hasan. In Bengal, Annexation of Bengal by the Tughluqs.
1335: In the Mongols II Khans empire, Death of Abu Said, power captured by Arpa Koun. Inthe Chughills empire, Assassination of Changshahi, accession of Burun.
1336: In the Mongols II Khans empire, Arpa defeated and killed,succeeded by Musa. Birth of AmirTemur. In the Jalayar empire, Death of Amir Hussain, successionof Hasan Buzurg. In the Ottoman Turks empire, The Turks annex the state of Karasi. In Bengal, The Tughluq Governor at Sonargeon assassinated by armour bearer who captured power and declared his independence assuming the nameof Fakhruddin Mubarak Shah.
1337: In the Mongols II Khans empire, The rule of Musa overthrown, Muhammad becomesthe Sultan. In the Sarbadaran empire, On the disintegration of the II-Khan rule, Abdur Razaq a military adventurer establishes an independent principality in Khurasan with the capital at Sabzwar. In the Muzaffarids empire, On the disintegration of the II Khan rule Mubarazud Din Muhammad established the rule of the Muzaffarid dynasty. In theOttoman Turks empire, The Turks capture the city of Nicomedia. In Algeria, Algeria is occupied by Marinids.
1338: In the Mongols II Khans empire, Muhammad overthrown, succession of Sati Beg. Sati Beg marries Sulaiman who becomes the co-ruler.
1339: In Kashmir, Death of Sadrud Din, throne captured by a Hindu Udyana Deva. In the Chughills empire, Deposition of Burun, accession of Isun Temur. In Bengal, The Tughluq Governor at Lakhnauti-Qadr Khan assassinated and power is captured by the army commander-in-chief who declareshis independence and assumes the title of Alauddin Ali Shah.
1340: In the Muzaffarids empire, The Muzaffarids conquer Kirman. In the Chughills empire, Deposition of Isun Temur, accession of Muhammad.
1341: In the Golden Horde empire, Death of Uzbeg, succession of his son Tini Beg.
1342: In the Golden Horde empire, Tini Beg overthrown by his brother Jani Beg.
1343: In the Chughills empire, Muhammad overthrown, power captured by Kazan. In Bengal, Ilyas an officer of Alauddin murders his patron and capturesthe throne of West Bengal.
1344: In the Mongols II Khans empire, Deposition of Sulaiman, succession of Anusherwan.
1345: In the Samudra Pasai empire, Death of Malik al Tahir II,accession of Tahir III. His rule lasted throughout the fourteenth century. In Bengal, llyas captures East Bengal and under him Bengal is again united.He establishes his capital at Gaur.
1346: In the Chughills empire, Deposition of Kazan, accession ofHayan Kuli. In Tunisia, Death of Abu Bakr, succession of his son Fadal. In Kashmir, Death of Udyana Deva, throne captured by Shah Mirza who assumed the name of Shah Mir, and rounded the rule of Shah Mir dynasty.
1347: The Marinids capture Tunisia. In the Bahmanids empire,Hasan Gangu declares his independence and establishes a state in Deccan with the capital at Gulbarga.
1349: In Kashmir, Death of Shah Mir, accession of his son Jamsbed. In Algeria, The Zayanidsunder Abu Said Othman recapture Algeria.
1350: In the Sarbadaran empire, Revolt against Abdur Razaq. Power captured by Amir Masud. In Tunisia, Deposition of Fadal, succession of his brother Abu Ishaq. In Kashmir, Jamshed overthrown by his step brother Alauddin Ali Sher.
1351: In the Marinids empire, Death of Abul Hasan, succession of Abu Inan. In the Tughluqs empire, Death of Muhammad Tughluq accession of Firuz Shah Tughluq.
1352: In Algeria, The Marinids again capture Algeria. Abu Said Othman is taken captive and killed.
1353: End of the Mongol II Khan rule. In the Ottoman Turks empire, The Turks acquire the fortress of Tympa on the European side of the Hollespoint. In the Muzaffarids empire, The Muzaffarids conquer Shiraz and establish their capital there.
1354: In the Muzaffarids empire, The Muzaffarids annex Isfahan. InGranada, Assassination of Abu Hallaj Yusuf, succession of his sonMuhammad V.
1356: In the Jalayar empire, Death of Hasan Buzurg, succession of his son Owaia.
1357: In the Golden Horde empire, Death of Jani Beg, succession of Kulpa.
1358: In the Bahmanids empire, Death of Hasan Gangu, accessionof his son Muhammad Shah. In the Muzaffarids empire, Death ofMubarazuddin Muhammad; accession of Shah Shuja. In the Marinids empire, Assassination ofAbu Inan, succession of Abu BakrSaid. In Bengal, Death of Ilyas, succession of his son Sikandar Shah.
1359: In the Ottoman Turks empire, Death of Orkhan, succession of Murad. In the Muzaffarids empire, Shah Shuja deposed by his brother Shah Mahmud. In Tunisia, Abul Abbas a nephew of Abu Ishaq revolts andestablishes his rule in Bougie. In Algeria, The Zayanids under Abu Hamuw II recapture Algeria. In the Marinids empire, Abu Bakr Said overthrown by Abu Salim Ibrahim. In Granada, Muhammad Vloses the throne in palace revolution, succeeded by Ismail.
1360: In the Muzaffarids empire, Death of Shah Mahmud. Shah Shuja recaptures power. In the Chughills empire, Power capturedby Tughluq Temur. In Granada, Ismail overthrown by his brother-in-law Abu Said.
1361: In the Ottoman Turks empire, Murad conquers a part of Thrace and establishes his capital at Demolika in Thrace. In the Golden Horde empire, Kulpa overthrown by his brother Nauroz. In the Marinids empire, Abu Salim Ibrahim overthrown byAbu Umar. Abu Umar overthrownby Abu Zayyan.
1362: In the Golden Horde empire, State of anarchy. During20 years as many as 14 rulers came to the throne and made their exit. In Granada, Abu Said overthrown by Muhammad V who comes to rule for the second time. In Kashmir, Death ofAlauddin Ali Sher, succeeded by his brother Shahabuddin.
1365: In the Ottoman Turks empire, The Turks defeat the Christians at the battle of Matiza, the Byzantine ruler becomes a vassal of the Turks.
1366: In the Marinids empire, Assassination of Abu Zayyan, succession of Abu Faris Abdul Aziz.
1369: Power captured by Amir Temur. End of the rule of the Chughills. Amir Temur captures power in Transoxiana. In Tunisia, Death of Abu Ishaq. Succession ofhis son Abu Baqa Khalid.
1370: In Tunisia, Abu Baqa overthrown by Abul Abbas underwhom the state is reunited. In the Sarbadaran empire, Death ofAmir Masud, succession of Muhammad Temur.
1371: In the Ottoman Turks empire, Invasion of Bulgaria, Bulgarian territory upto the Balkans annexed by the Turks.
1372: In the Marinids empire, Death of Abu Faris, succession ofAbu Muhammad.
1374: In the Marinids empire, AbuMuhammad overthrown by Abul Abbas.
1375: In the Sarbadaran empire, Deposition of Muhammad Temur, power captured by Shamsuddin. In the Jalayar empire, Death of Owais, succession by his son Hussain.
1376: In Kashmir, Death of Shahabuddin, succeeded by his brother Qutbuddin.
1377: In the Bahmanids empire, Death of Muhammad Shah, succeeded by his son Mujahid.
1378: In the Bahmanids empire, Mujahid assassinated, throne captured by his uncle Daud.
1379: Turkomans of the Black Sheep empire, Bairam Khawaja found the independent principality of the Turkomans of the Black Sheep and established his capital at Van in Armenia. In the Bahmanids empire, Assassination of Daud; accession of Muhammad Khan.
1380: In the Golden Horde empire, Power is captured by Toktamish, a prince of the WhiteHorde of Siberia. In Amir Temur's empire, Amir Temur crosses the Oxus and conquers Khurasan andHerat. Amir Temur invades Persiaand subjugates the Muzaffarids and Mazandaran.
1381: In Amir Temur's empire, Annexation of Seestan, capture of Qandhar.
1384: In Amir Temur's empire, Conquest of Astrabad, Mazandaran, Rayy and Sultaniyah. In the Muzaffarids empire, Death of Shah Shuja, accession of his son Zainul Abdin. In the Marinids empire, Abul Abbas overthrown by Mustansir. Turkomans of the Black Sheep empire, Death of Bairam Khawaja, succession of Qara Muhammad.
1386: In Amir Temur's empire, Annexation of Azarbaijan, Georgea overrun. Subjugation ofGilan and Shirvan. Turkomans of the Black Sheep defeated. In theMarinids empire, Death of Mustansir, succession of Muhammad.
1387: In the Marinids empire, Muhammad overthrown by Abul Abbas who comes to power for the second time.
1388: In Algeria, Death of Abu Hamuw II, succession of Abu Tashfin. In the Tughluqs empire, Death of Firuz Shah Tughluq, succeeded by his grandson Ghiasuddin Tughluq II.
1389: of Abu Bakr Tughluq Shah. Turkomans of the Black Sheep empire, Death of Qara Muhammad. succession of Qara Yusuf.
1390: In the Tughluqs empire, Abu Bakr overthrow by Nasiruddin Tughluq. In Bengal, Death of Sikandar Shah, accession of his son Ghiasud. In the Burji Mamluks empire, The rule of the Burji Mamluks rounded by Saifuddin Barquq.
1391: In Amir Temur's empire, Annexation of Fars. In the Muzaffarids empire, Annexation of the Muzaffarids by Amir Temur. In Granada, Death of Muhammad V, succession of his son Abu Hallaj Yusuf II.
1392: In the Jalayar empire, Death of Hussain, succession of his son Ahmad. In Granada, Deathof Abu Hallaj ; succession of Muhammad VI.
1393: Amir Temur defeats Tiktomish, the ruler of the Golden Horde. Capture of the Jalayar dominions by Amir Temur.In the Marinids empire, Death of Abul Abbas; succession of Abu Faris II.
1394: Amir Temur defeats the Duke of Moscow. In the Tughluqs empire, Death of Nasiruddin Tugluq, accession of Alauddin Sikandar Shah. In Kashmir, Deathof Qutbuddin. Turkomans of the White Sheep empire, Qara Othman established the rule of the White Sheep Turkomans in Diyarbekr.
1395: In the Golden Horde empire, Amir Temur defeated Toktamish and razes Serai to the ground. End of the rule of the Golden Horde. Annexation of Iraq by Amir Temur. In the Tughluqs empire, Death of Sikandar Shah. Accession of Muhammad Shah.
1396: In the Amir Temur's empire, Destruction of Sarai, andof the rule of the Golden Horde. In the Sarbadaran empire, Principality annexed by Amir Temur.
1397: In the Bahmanids empire, Death of Muhammad Khan.
1398: In the Amir Temur's empire, Campaign in India. In the Marinids empire, Death of Abu Faris II. In the Tughluqs empire, Invasion of Amir Timur, Mahmud Shah escapes from the capital. InMorocco, Death of the Marinid Sultan Abu Faris II; succession of his son Abu Said Othman.
1399: In the Amir Temur's empire, Campaign in Iraq and Syria. In the Burji Mamluks empire, Death of Saifuddin Barquq, succession of his son Nasiruddin in Faraj.
15th Century (1400-1499) C.E.
1400: In the Burji Mamluks empire, The Mamluks lost Syria which was occupied by Amir Timur.
1401: In the Golden Horde empire, Death of Timur Qutluq, the ruler, installed by Amir Timur.accession of Shadi Beg.
1402: In the Ottoman Turks empire, Defeat of Bayazid at thebattle of Ankara, taken captive Amir Timur.
1403: In the Ottoman Turks empire, Muhammad I, the son of Bayazid ascended the throne.
1405: In the Timurids empire, Death of Amir Timur, succession of his son Shah Rukh.
1407: In the Golden Horde empire, Deposition of Shadi Beg, installation of Faulad Khan by the king maker Edigu.
1410: In the Golden Horde empire, Deposition of Faulad Khan, installation of Timur.
1412: In the Golden Horde empire, Deposition of Timur, installation of Jalaluddin. In the Burji Mamluks empire, Death of Nasiruddin Faraj, succession of AlMuayyad.
1413: In the Golden Horde empire, Deposition of Jalaluddin, installation of Karim Bardo.
1414: In the Golden Horde empire, Deposition of Karim Bardo, installation of Kubak Khan.
1416: In the Golden Horde empire, Deposition of Kubak Khan, installation of Jahar Balrawi. Deposition of Jahar Balrawi, installation of Chaighray.
1419: In the Golden Horde empire, Death of Edigu, overthrow of Chaighray, power captured by Ulugh Muhammad.
1420: Turkomans of the Black Sheep empire, Death of Qara Yusuf; succession of his son QaraIskandar. In Morocco, Assassination of Abu Said Othman; succession of his infant son Abdul Haq.
1421: In the Ottoman Turks empire, Death of Muhammad I; accession of his son Murad II. In the Burji Mamluks empire, Death of Al Muayyad, succession of Muzaffar Ahmad. Muzaffar Ahmadoverthrown by Amir Saifuddin Tata, Death of Saifuddin Tata, succession of his son Muhammad.Muhammad overthrown by Amir Barsbay.
1424: In the Golden Horde empire, Death of Daulat Bairawi, succession of Berk. In Algeria, The Halsida of Tunisia occupy Algeria. This state of affairs continued throughout the fifteenth century.
1425: In the Uzbegs empire, Abul Khayr, a prince of the house of Uzbeg declare his independence in the western part of Siberia,
1427: In the Golden Horde empire, Berk overthrown by Ulugh Muhammad who captured power for the second time.
1430: In the Uzbegs empire, Abul Khayr occupies Khawarazm.
1434: Turkomans of the Black Sheep empire, Deposition of QaraIskandar; installation of his brother Jahan Shah. Turkomans of the White Sheep empire, Death of Qara Othman, succession of his son Ali Beg. In Tunisia, Death of Abul Faris aftera rule of forty years, successionof his son Abu Abdullah Muhammad.
1435: In Tunisia, Deposition of Abu Abdullah Muhammad, power captured by Abu Umar Othman.
1438: In the Burji Mamluks empire, Death of Barsbay, accession of his minor son Jamaluddin Yusuf; Yusuf overthrown and power capturedby the Chief Minister Saifuddin Gakmuk. Turkomans of the WhiteSheep empire, Ali Beg overthrown by his brother Hamza.
1439: In the Golden Horde empire, Ulugh Muhammad withdrew from Sarai and found the principality of Qazan. Said Ahmad came to power in Sarai.
1440: Turkomans of the White Sheep empire, Hamza overthrown by Jahangir a son ofAli Beg.
1441: In the Golden Horde empire, Crimea seceded from Sarai.
1446: In the Timurids empire, Death of Shah Rukh, succession of Ulugh Beg. In the Ottoman Turks empire, Second battle of Kossova resulting in the victory of the Turks. Serbia annexed to Turkey and Bosnia became its vassal.
1447: In the Golden Horde empire, Astra Khan seceded fromSarai.
1449: In the Uzbegs empire, Abul Khayr captures Farghana. In the Timurids empire, Death of Ulugh Beg, succession of Abdul Latif.
1450: In the Timurids empire, Assassination of Abdul Latif, accession of Abu Said.
1451: In the Ottoman Turks empire, Death of Murad II; accession of his son Muhammad II.
1453: In the Ottoman Turks empire, Capture of Constantinople by the Turks. Turkomans of the White Sheep empire, Death of Jahangir; accession of his son Uzun Hasan. In the Burji Mamluks empire, Death of Gakmuk. succession of his son Fakhruddin Othman. Othman overthrown by the Mamluk General Saifuddin Inal.
1454: In the Ottoman Turks empire, Attack against Wallachia,Wallachia became a vassal state of Turkey.
1456: In the Ottoman Turks empire, Annexation of Serbia.
1461: In the Ottoman Turks empire, Annexation of Bosnia andHerzogovina. In the Burji Mamluksempire, Death of Saifuddin Inal, succession of his son Shahabuddin Ahmad. ShahabuddinAhmad overthrown by the Mamluk General Saifuddin Khushqadam.
1462: In the Ottoman Turks empire, Annexation of Albania.
1465: In the Golden Horde empire, Death of Said Ahmad, succession of his son Khan Ahmad. In Morocco, Assassinationof Abdul Haq. End of the Marinid rule. Power snatched by Sharif Muhammad al Jati.
1467: Turkomans of the Black Sheep empire, Death of Jahan Shah, end of the rule of the Black Sheep Turkoman rule. Turkomans of the White Sheep empire, Jahan Shah of the Black Sheep attacked the White Sheep. Jahan Shah was defeatedand the Black Sheep territories annexed by the White Sheep. In the Burji Mamluks empire, Death of Khushqadam, accession of his son Saifuddin Yel Bey. Deposition of Yel Bey, power captured by the Mamluk General Temur Bugha.
1468: In the Uzbegs empire, Death of Abul Khayr, succession of his son Haidar Sultan. Turkomans of the White Sheep empire, Uzun Hasan defeated theTimurids at the battle of Qarabagh whereby the White Sheep became the masters of Persia and Khurasan. In the BurjiMamluks empire, Deposition of Femur Bugha, power captured by the Mamluk General Qait Bay.
1469: In the Timurids empire, Death of Abu Said, disintegrationof the Timurid state. In KhurasanHussain Baygara came to power and he ruled during the remaining years of the fifteenth century.
1472: In Morocco, Sharif Muhammad al Jati overthrown by the Wattisid chief Muhammad al Shaikh who establishes the rule of the Wattisid dynasty.
1473: In the Ottoman Turks empire, War against Persia; Persians defeated.
1475: In the Ottoman Turks empire, Annexation of Crimea. War against Venice. Tukey became the master of the Aegean Sea.
1478: Turkomans of the White Sheep empire, Death of Uzun Hasan, succession of his son Khalil.
1479: Turkomans of the White Sheep empire, Khalil overthrown by his uncle Yaqub.
1480: In the Golden Horde empire, Assassination of Khan Ahmad, succession of his son SaidAhmad II.
1481: In the Golden Horde empire, Said Ahmad I1 overthrown by his brother Murtada. In the Ottoman Turks empire, Death of Muhammad II, accession of Bayazid II.
1488: In the Uzbegs empire, Death of Haider Sultan, succession of his nephew Shaybani Khan. In Tunisia, Death of Abu Umar Othman after a ruleof 52 years, succession of Abu Zikriya Yahya.
1489: In Tunisia, Abu Zikriya Yahya overthrown by Abul Mumin.
1490: In Tunisia, Abul Mumin overthrown, power recaptured by Abu Yahya.
1493: Turkomans of the White Sheep empire, Death of Yaqub. accession of his son Bayangir.
1495: Turkomans of the White Sheep empire, Bayangir overthown by his cousin Rustam.
1496: In the Burji Mamluks empire, Abdication of Qait Bay, succession of his son Nasir Muhammad.
1497: Turkomans of the White Sheep empire, Rustam overthrown by Ahmad. Anarchy and fragmentation.
1498: In the Burji Mamluks empire, Deposition of Nasir Muhammad, power captured by Zahir Kanauh.
1499: In the Uzbegs empire, Shayhani Khan conquered Transoxiana. In the Golden Hordeempire, Death of Murtada, succession of Said Ahmad III." In the Ottoman Turks empire, The Turks defeated the Venetian fleet in the battle of Lepanto.
16th Century (1500-1599) C.E.
1500: In the Burji Mamluks empire, Zahir Kanauh overthrown by Ashraf Gan Balat.
1501: Isamil I establishes the Safavid dynasty in Persia, and the Twelve-Imam Shi'ism becomesthe state religion.
1507: The Portuguese under d'Albuquerque establish strongholds in the Persian Gulf.
1508: Turkomans of the White Sheep empire, End of the White Sheep dynasty and the annexation of their territories by the Safawids.
1511: D'Albuquerque conquers Malacca from the Muslims.
1517: The Ottoman Sultan Selim Yavuz ("the Grim") defeats the Mamluks and conquers Egypt.
1520: The reign of Sulayman theMagnificent begins.
1526: Louis of Hungary dies at the Battle of Mohacs.
1526: The Battle of Panipat in India, and the Moghul conquest; Babur makes his capital at Delhi and Agra.
1528: The Ottomans take Buda in Hungary.
1529: Unsuccessful Ottoman siege of Vienna.
1550: The architect Sinan builds the Suleymaniye mosque in Istanbul.
1550: The rise of the Muslim kingdom of Atjeh in Sumatra.
1550: Islam spreads to Java, theMoluccas, and Borneo.
1556: The death of Sulayman the Magnificent.
1568: Alpujarra uprising of the Moriscos (Muslims forcibly converted to Catholicism) in Spain.
1571: The Ottomans are defeated at the naval Battle of Lepanto, and their dominance in the Mediterranean is brought toa close.
1578: The Battle of the Three Kings at Qasr al-Kabir in Morocco. King Sebastian of Portugal is killed.
1588: Reign of Safavid Sultan Shah Abbas I begins.
1591: Mustaili Ismailis split into Sulaymanis and Daudis.
17th Century (1600-1699) C.E.
1600: Sind annexed by the Mughals. End of the Arghun rule in Sind.
1601: Khandesh annexed by the Mughals.
1603: Battle of Urmiyah. Turks suffer defeat. Persia occupies Tabriz, Mesopotamia. Mosul and Diyarbekr. Death of Muhammad III, Sultan of Turkey, accession ofAhmad I. In Morocco al Shaikh died.
1604: In Indonesia death of Alauddin Rayat Shah, Sultan of Acheh, accession of Ali Rayat Shah III.
1605: Death of the Mughal emperor Akbar; accession of Jahangir.
1607: Annexation of Ahmadnagarby the Mughals.
1609: Annexation of Bidar by theMughals
1611: Kuch Behar subjugated by the Mughals.
1612: Kamrup annexed by the Mughals.
1617: Death of Ahmad I, Sultan of Turkey, accession of Mustafa;Deposition of Mustafa: accession of Othman II.
1618: Tipperah annexed by the Mughals.:
1620: In Turkey deposition of Mustafa, accession of Othman II.
1623: In Turkey Mustafa recaptured power.
1625: In Turkey deposition of Mustafa, accession of Murad IV.
1627: Death of the Mughal emperor Jahangir, accession of Shah Jahan.
1628: Reign of Safavid Sultan Shah Abbas I comes to an end.
1629: In Persia death of Shah Abbas; accession of grandson Safi.
1631: Death of Mumtaz Mahal, wife of Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan and the lady of Taj Mahal,Agra.
1637: Death of Iskandar Muda in Indonesia; accession of Iskandar II.
1640: Death of Otthman Sultan Murad IV. accession of his

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